So much has happened in the last week, or has it been two, that I'm not sure where to start! I don't even think it is possible to cover it all, so I will just tell you about a few things that have happened. Last week was full of running around, getting stuff for church and ladies fellowship. Katlyn's birthday party. And Saturday, me, Joy and the girls went to a garage sale. Now I know for you ladies in the States, you could go to garage sales all summer long, but for us here, they only happen every once in a while. We had fun!!!
Friday, during lunch, we realized that we had not seen Chiquita, our chihuahua, for a while. We searched the house and yard and still couldn't find her. Of course, by then, Juls was in tears. So Juls and I drove around the neighborhood looking for her and asking if people had seen her. Finally we went back to the house to make fliers but I told Juls to search the house real good one more time. Juls finally heard a whimper and found her in her little carrier bag in Juls' room. She had put her in it that morning and had forgotten about it. She was happy!
Saturday night we had ladies fellowship and Josh and Stu take turns driving us and watching the kids. This month Josh drove us and Stu had all 8 kids here at the house. During that time, some of the older ones were playing basketball and Stephen (Wesson) fell and hurt his arm. It hurt him all day Sunday and started swelling, so Monday morning they took him to the doctor and found out it was broken.
Jesse had been telling me that his ears hurt since last Wednesday. Finally on Monday I took him to the doctor and found out that both of them are infected. He has had so many infections in the last few years and has had fluid on them for at least the last year, so the doctor is referring him to an ear doctor. We will see what happens. Needless to say he has been miserable and grumpy!
Last night a deaf lady from our church went to the hospital to give birth. Josh drove Joy and I over there, since it is not a safe area of town. When we got there, the entrance was crowded with people and the guy at the door didn't want to let us in. Finally he said Joy could enter, and I followed close behind. We then had to talk to a nurse at another door who said no one could go in. She finally took us to the maternity ward and made us wait while she went to check on the lady, Yocasta. When she came back she told us that she had given birth but we could not go back. She said we should just be happy that did us a favor by going to check for us. We said thank you and waited while she walked off. Joy then asked another guy if she could talk to a doctor or nurse. He went to find one and then took Joy back but made me wait. After a while he told me to follow him and took me back to where Joy was. Yocasta had just been brought out in a wheel chair from giving birth and was laid in a bed. I won't give much detail, but it was heartbreaking. She was laying on a bed with no sheet, just a piece of paper under her, in her clothes that she had given birth in, bleeding all over the place. (I know that sounds like a lot of detail, but trust me, I am leaving out a lot of information!) They had run her family out of the hospital earlier, so she had no clothes to change into, nobody even knew she was deaf, she had no water to drink since arriving in the afternoon. We asked a nurse to find something for her to put on and we helped bathe her (we had to wait on someone to bring us a bucket of water since there was no running water) and bought her some bottled water. We got her settled on a bed, with a sheet (no pillow or blanket) and they brought the baby to her. While we were with her they brought another girl in that had just given birth, in the same condition that we had found Yocasta and laid her on a bed with paper. There were about 7 beds in the room and they were all full. When we left we called her family to let them know she had the baby and was ok and let them know what to bring her the next day. I really wanted to stay and help the other girl that needed cleaned up and dressed. On the way out, through the emergency room, we saw people passed out, sitting in wheel chairs or being carried in. Unfortunately many are carried out as well. It was very sad. I just wish I could have done something to help!
Today we had a homeschool track and field day at the park. The kids had fun running and jumping and kicking soccer balls and all kinds of other stuff. We are all exhausted and planning on going to bed early!
Good post Donna. So glad you and Joy went to check on Yocasta. Sometimes you wonder if you should do things like that and then afterwards you are so relieved you did. She will never forget you two stopping in to check on her. I understand your frustration with the medical situations. As a nurse many things frustrate me here in Russia with the lack of proper medical care. On the other hand, it gives us another way to show love and compassion to people on our fields. God bless you and the family!
Dee Dee